Soap bubbles, those little bitches.
So beautiful but always popping before I want them to.
I wish I could sprinkle some powder that would make them last forever --- or hairspray ( a good quality one I must add ) on them and decorate my home all bubbly. WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING ???
I'm getting more and more colour-ish nowadays, as you may see. I bought that shirt with my last money (3€) a while ago, and my friends couldn't believe their eyes when I showed up wearing it. I like leafy things.
And of course I like my beautiful statement necklace, I actually bought two of them. The other one is made of cut glass kind of a material but I prefer this less shiny one at the moment.
When I saw my leafy shirt on the rack (of H&M), I immediately imagined it with the necklet. What a perfect couple !